CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Chemistry In Everyday Life
Chemistry In Everyday Life

- Define Carbon Fibers
- What are the main causes for developing carbon fiber?
- What is carbon fiber reinforced carbon?
- In how many categories made regarding the application of carbon fibers.
- What is meant by ceramics?
- What is meant by propellant? Classify them?
- Describe the following:
(a). Double base propellant (b). Hybrid propellant (c). Monoliquid Propellant
- Discuss the role of Redox phenomenon in the context of rocket propellants.
- What is meant by pheromones?
- What are the two groups found in detergents?
- Give the structure of sodiumalkyulbenzenesulphonates
- What is meant by soap less soap?
- Write a short notes on detergent.
- What is the major drawback with chemical insecticides?
- Differentiate between anionic and cationic detergents.
- Why the cleansing action of synthetic detergents not disturbed by hard water
- Describe cleansing action of detergents.
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Blocks Element
- D and F Block Elements
- Coordination Compound
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereochemistry
- Functional Group I
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry In Everyday Life
- Practice Paper 1
- Practice Paper 2
- Practice Paper 3
